November 21, 2023
Mrs. Shope's students completed Wit & Wisdom: Module 1- The Sea. Students made sharks hats to accompany their essay writing!

November 21, 2023
Ms. Nice's students made paper airplanes during their morning meeting to celebrate STEM day.

November 21, 2023
We are thankful for the carbs, caffeine, and calories that PTO delivered on the day that staff needed it the most. Thank you PTO!

November 17, 2023
Ms. Cope's students met their class behavior goal and celebrated with a pajama day. Here they are enjoying their library books.

November 17, 2023
Second Grade visited the NC Arboretum to deepen their understanding of a season of change and weather tools. We got to explore the beautiful gardens to see the leaves and trees as...

November 9, 2023
First grade has been studying rocks! We have learned the different types of rocks. Do you know what they are? We have examined them up close and far away! We took a field trip t...

November 9, 2023
Ms. Woodward's kindergarten class had an enriching experience reading two classic books: Creepy Crayons and Chicka Chicka Boom Boom . Students got to make their own version of ...

November 9, 2023
Last week our 2nd - 4th grade students were treated to a Percussion Concert. The musicians brought a variety of percussion instruments from around the world. Instruments include...
November 3, 2023
Greetings Parents, Staff, and Stakeholders,
You are welcome to provide feedback via THIS GOOGLE FORM regarding the plan linked below for the BCS Schools designated as low-perf...
November 2, 2023
One year ago, Dr. Rob Jackson hit the ground running as the new superintendent of Buncombe County Schools, conducting a “listening and learning” tour of all 45 schools, hosting pa...

November 2, 2023
Chorus Club would like to invite students, parents and staff to attend the Enka District Choral concert tonight at Enka High School at 6PM. You'll be in for a special treat!

November 1, 2023
4th grade students went to Emerald Village in Little Switzerland to learn about how minerals are identified using tests about their physical properties and to learn how to compare...

November 1, 2023
Our Jet families enjoyed an evening of games, crafts, sports, food, and tons of candy! Thank you PTO for your amazing efforts to support our school. Check out the slide show link:...

October 18, 2023
Ms. Blair's students had a blast making their own scarecrow outside on a beautiful fall day.

October 11, 2023
It's time to get ready for Picture Day. Sign up to receive updates via email regarding their child's school portraits. *Go to the following site to receive important informatio...

September 27, 2023
Every student in Buncombe County Schools (BCS) has a right to an educational environment that is safe, respectful, and caring. The BCS Code of Character, Conduct, and Support rec...

September 26, 2023
Third grade teamed up to find out where on Earth our water is! Students learned that most of the Earth’s water is salt water and is found in our oceans. Ocean water is represented...

September 25, 2023
What a spirited week to be a jet! We've seen some crazy hairdo's today. We can't wait to see our students outfits tomorrow for Wacky Tacky Inside Out Day! We hope to see you at o...

September 20, 2023
Thank you to Ms. Coyle, Ms. Elliott, Ms. Hollifield, Mr. Woody, and Ms. Young for all of their hard work as instructional assistants in kindergarten. They have been supporting stu...

September 15, 2023
Ms. Blair’s class have been learning about how to wash our hands to keep ourselves and our friends healthy. For a science experiment Ms. Blair’s students first made a hypothesis a...