Lead Teacher
Title 1

Megan Leopard
Cindy Srijayanta
Lead Teacher
Sharon Fauerbach
Cynthia Freeman
Christine Chetwynd
Tina Johnson
Ashlee Brown
Title I at Sand Hill-Venable 2024-2025
About Us
Sand Hill-Venable is a school-wide Title 1 school. Even though some students receive additional assistance in reading through the Title 1 program, all students at our school benefit from the materials and resources Title 1 provides.
What is Title I
Title I funding began as a part of the Great Society Program of President Lyndon B. Johnson in 1965 under the Elementary and Secondary Education Act. The intent of the law was and still is to provide services to students who have academic needs. The program gives extra support to students who need it most. Title I serves millions of children every year.
How does our school receive Title I money?
First, the federal government provides funding to each state. Then, each State Educational Agency sends money to its school districts. How much money each school receives is determined by the number of low-income students attending that school.
Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act Notice
As a parent of a child in a Title 1 school, you have the right to know the professional qualifications of classroom teachers and paraprofessionals who instruct your child. Federal Law allows you to ask for this information from the school's principal. Contact the principal in writing if you wish to receive this information. Information will be provided within one week of your written request. More information can be obtained by clicking: Annual Public Notices FERPA
Finally, Title I schools
Identify the students at their school who need the most educational assistance based on criteria the school has chosen. Students do NOT have to be from low-income families to receive Title I services.
Set goals for improving the skills of educationally disadvantaged students at their school.
Measure student progress to determine the success of the Title I program for each student.
Develop programs for each individual student in order to support/supplement regular classroom instruction.
The Jets are off to a fantastic school year!!
The Title 1 staff at Sand Hill-Venable is excited about working with your child this year. As we work together to support your student with Common Core Standards, it will be important for us to communicate with you throughout the year. Look for opportunities for Parental Involvement where we can meet you and give you information about helping your child at home. Our Parental Involvement Plan is under the Parent tab and that is where you can find dates for our Parent Involvement events.
Remember, the most important thing you can do is make sure your child spends quiet time reading every night. All teachers assign reading for homework and there is a reason for that. Research shows the more time a child spends reading, the better reader they will become. Talk to you child about what they are reading and as they give you information, ask them to show where in the book they found it. Reading together and talking about reading can be a special experience for both of you!!
Helpful Hints for Reading at Home
Make sure your child reads every night.
Ask them about what they have read and ask some questions about what they tell you.
ALWAYS make them prove their answers with information from the book or story.
Make this time a fun and special time!!!!
Title I Regulations
In accordance with the Elementary and Secondary Educational Act of 2001, Title I, section 1118(2) Buncombe County Schools is committed to involve parents in the development of Buncombe County Schools' Title I plan, in the process of review of the individual school's plan, and in the planning for school improvement. The development and review of the plan is a collaborative effort of teachers, district support staff, paraprofessionals, Parent Advisory Councils, and School Improvement Teams.
Coordination, technical assistance, and other support from central office departments is provided to assist schools in planning and implementing parental involvement activities to improve student academic achievement and whole school performance.
Buncombe County Schools build capacity for strengthening parental involvement by:
Helping parents, school staff and community volunteers understand the importance of parent involvement.
Helping parents understand national, state and local standards
Sending information and communication to parents in an easy to understand format
Providing materials and training to parents to assist with their child's education.
Including parents on School Councils, School Improvement Teams and District Parent Councils.
Inviting parents to conference with teachers about their children's school performance, to attend meetings to discuss programs and activities, and to consult in the design and implementation of programs particularly those supported with Title I funds.
Encouraging parents to volunteer in and visit classrooms.
Coordinating and integrating parental involvement strategies of other programs.
Involving parents in the activities of the school.
An annual review of the policy and of the strategies for parental involvement occurs annually in collaboration with parents, school and district staff.