February 9, 2024
Our kindergarten students & 1st grade students participated in a community math festival. The event was full of math games that were fun for the entire family.

February 8, 2024
Our famous centenarian (100 year old) couple, Mr. & Mrs. Shelton, came to visit on the morning news. They shared what it was like to be born in 1924 and what life was like back in...

February 8, 2024
Buncombe County Schools (BCS) is proud to host a series of Town Hall meetings that serve as examples of intentional, inclusive decision-making for staff, students, and families. T...

February 2, 2024
Our 4th grade teacher Mr. McKernan takes recess seriously by coaching flag football games. Students practice skills of good sportsmanship and inclusivity while having a good time....

February 1, 2024
Ms. Woodward's kindergarten students made melted snowmen after reading Sneezy the Snowman!

January 26, 2024
Mrs. Dinally’s 2nd grade class created pioneer wagon wheels for their Wit & Wisdom literacy unit. They had to choose what they would pack for their journey on the Oregon Trail.

January 24, 2024
In June of 2023, the state legislature revised the law governing elections in BCS. Instead of six residency districts (based on the six high school attendance zones) and one at-la...

January 18, 2024
Second grade is learning all about American westward expansion. They read a book titled Journey of a Pioneer, where the main character's friends make her a friendship quilt as ...

December 18, 2023
The Enka Jazz Band rocked the house with festive tunes, sing-alongs, and shared interesting facts about their instruments.

December 18, 2023
During their media special, students built a bridge over the frozen pond so that the sled could go to Grandma's house. Students learned about the importance of support, arc, func...

December 13, 2023
Buncombe County Schools believes that all students should be able to be safe at home and school from bullying or any unwanted and repeated acts of harassment or threats. It is cri...

December 7, 2023
Congratulations to Ms. Ammons and Ms. Harvey! They were awarded BCSF grants to support student learning. Ms. Ammons received a grant for a 1st grade project on connecting inter...

December 5, 2023
Good News! Get FREE online access to a variety of great books!
The deadline to OPT-IN for a Buncombe County Public Library card has been extended to Dec. 15! Complete t...

December 4, 2023
Winter weather could be just around the corner! Below is a summary of our inclement weather protocols for our students.
What happens when we must close our buildings to studen...

November 27, 2023
Mr. McKernan's 4th grade class is working with Ms. Owensby's 1st grade class as Reading Buddies. This has been an excellent way to build leadership skills for our fourth graders ...

November 21, 2023
Ms. Whitten's class made holiday cards for people serving in the military.

November 21, 2023
Mrs. Shope's students completed Wit & Wisdom: Module 1- The Sea. Students made sharks hats to accompany their essay writing!

November 21, 2023
Ms. Nice's students made paper airplanes during their morning meeting to celebrate STEM day.

November 21, 2023
We are thankful for the carbs, caffeine, and calories that PTO delivered on the day that staff needed it the most. Thank you PTO!

November 17, 2023
Ms. Cope's students met their class behavior goal and celebrated with a pajama day. Here they are enjoying their library books.