Media Coordinator

Mrs. Amy Lunsford
Students who score higher on "tests tend to come from schools which have more library resource staff and more books, periodicals and videos, and where the instructional role of the teacher-librarian and involvement in cooperative program planning and teaching is more prominent." Keith Curry Lance, et. al. The Impact of School Library Media Centers on Academic Achievement

Media Center
For More Information about the Media Center, look at the Virtual Library website:
Leicester Elementary School Media Virtual Learning Commons
Read a good book lately? The students at Leicester Elementary have! With over 2,000 books to choose from, the saying goes, "so many books, so little time". If you are interested in finding the latest graphic novel or picture book, enjoying the latest "cool" series, or just trying to find an interesting read, come by and let me help find what you are looking for in our library!
Our Media Center is not only equipped with plenty to read, but teaching with technology is incorporated in many of my lessons. With the use of 1:1 laptops and iPads, streaming video and websites, learning is a high priority. We use the Big6 Research Model, which focuses on six simple steps to help students create their own learning through self-inquiry and motivation and progress into understanding the sources necessary for student research. These steps help students not only in their school years, but will further their education throughout life.
All of our students are introduced to coding. Our youngest learners use robots, like Cubetto and Code and Go Mouse, for a hands-on approach, which our oldest students are busy in Scratch and other coding sites, many through
Our students also work in Maker stations, or as I like to call it, The Inspiration Stations! Little Bits and Snap Circuits help students invent using electronics and circuitry, LEGOs, KEVA blocks, and Citiblocks allow students to try their engineering and architectural skills, and we also have Magna-Tiles, Pattern Blocks, Marble Runs, Gearello gears, and other activities that help students create using their imagination and creativity. Critical thinking and teamwork are also emphasized in the media center through these activities!
Kindergarten through fourth grades are on a fixed schedule at Leicester, with each class visiting at a set time every week. We have a book fair in the Fall and Spring. We also have guest visitors and presentations during the school year.
There is quite a bit of collaboration that takes place among our Specialists so we are constantly incorporating the Arts, STEM, movement with literature. We are always learning more from the community around us, and beyond, as well as from our students.