Students showing off the animal masks they made.

At Sand Hill-Venable Elementary, a world of wonder and imagination came to life for first graders. 

Students were immersed in learning about different kinds of creatures and their unique features. Many discovered unique facts about animals that they may not have known about otherwise. 

“Creature features are animal body parts that help animals survive,” said first grade teacher Tammy Heath. “For example, the platypus has webbed feet for swimming and a sensitive bill for finding food, but you should stay away from the male platypus due to the venomous spurs on its hind leg.”

The young learners were tasked with picking an animal and creating an animal card. The card had to include a picture of the animal and an informative paragraph. It’s activities such as this that makes Ms. Heath love first grade. 

“This was a fun end-of-unit project and students loved getting dressed up,” she said. “I love teaching first graders. They bring so much excitement and energy to the room. They love to learn new things!”

**Photos curtsy of Sand Hill-Venable Elementary

Student holding up her artwork of a platypus.